
Free webinar – Feline autoimmune and immune mediated skin diseases – update

Date: Oct 12th
Time: 19-21
Dr. Chiara Noli, DVM, Dip ECVD

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Course Content

Have you ever wondered if your feline patient may have an immunological disorder giving rise to changes in
the skin, claws or mucocutaneous junctions? This webinar will give you an excellent overview about the clinical presentation, the diagnostics and the treatment options. The first part of this lecture will deal with what is known (very little) on autoimmune diseases in cats, mainly pemphigus foliaceus, but also vulgaris and
vesiculobullous diseases of the dermo-epidermal junction.

The second half will present a series of immune mediated diseases of the epidermis, dermis, adnexa and
cartilage, many of which have an obscure pathogenesis.

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Course Information